I realy like how the new attribute skill mixture totally changes the character balances.

I realy like how the new attribute skill mixture totally changes the character balances.

I realy like how the new attribute skill mixture totally changes the character balances. The expert training facilities now also support very different developements of the characters action skills. Combined with the very changed Abilities, the Playsets seem to play out a lot diverse than before.

Any thoughts on this?

 Nathan Roberts Andrew Shields 

4 thoughts on “I realy like how the new attribute skill mixture totally changes the character balances.”

  1. I agree, we were noticing that last night. One of my players even explicitly noted that where before you were in trouble if you tried to use something you weren’t very good at, now you were motivated to try and diversify.

    The focus there was in the resistance rolls, with the first row of each skill set now providing a dice pool.

  2. This horizontal AND vertical distribution of dicepools are adding a lot to the way characters will evolve. I wasnt sure about the 8 Exp on new Playset Advancements first, but seeing the powerlevel of thoses were increased and their narrative impact is quiet big too. Very small tinkering of the boni getting often larger influence than I saw first. And you are right, the separation of the resistance rolls from effects are making the risk/stress flow significant more shallow and allow more risky moves.

  3. It reminds me lot of the ‘burning games beginners luck paradigm. The playbooks give the players a broad focus, but the specific player choices allow a diversified or focused approach. It gives more mechanical uniqueness to each character, the tags allowing for colourful embellishment as always.

    I’ve yet to play a full session inclusive of downtime with the new rule set. But we are having a marathon ‘con’ for my and Matt Horam’s birthdays in a couple of weeks! I’m pretty excited!

    I’d love to use your character sheets Josephe Vandel if that’s ok?

  4. Sure Nathan Roberts thats what they are for. When would you like to game? As you know John was not well the last days and we dont know when the full V0.3 will be published.

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