Hi there!

Hi there!

Hi there!

I have read throught the quickstarter rules and I  have some questions 

1) Entaglement and Heat level: Your roll is based in your crew’s current level, right?

2) Crew effects. When you use this effects?

3) What isa special armor?

4) What is a magnitud of energyn Channel? How to know what magnitud of energy is appropiated for an specific effect? 

5) What is a electroplasmic or arcane features. There exist a list?

6) What is the benefits of contacts. You only can get information form your contacts?

7) What is the use of crew upgrades? 

8) Stashed coins can be used later? Or if you stahs a coin only count for retirement?

9) What is an asset in the game. An asset has some special properties or is just a narrative permission?

10) Items are just to improve your dice pool or has some additional qualities

I know that is a quickstarter, but I want to know if these elements have special effects in the game


6 thoughts on “Hi there!”

  1. Danilo Jara, are you just referencing the 3rd iteration of the quickstart? Its rather sparse compared with the original two iterations… (for good reason – John is working toward the final text and wants to playtest a few things out). Most of the answers you seek are in the previous two quickstarts. There is a Q&A  at the top of this community that covers most of your questions too!

  2. Thanks Nathan. Where is the thrid iteration. I have search in my email and in the kick starter campaign new updates but. I haven’t found anything :(.

  3. 1- Yes

    2- They’re pretty much gone in the update, so take a look there.

    3- Armour that’s useful against a specific kind of thing

    4- It’s decided by the GM

    5- It means you can make the device do supernatural stuff. There’s not a list.

    6- The one you pick is just the one who’s closest to you.

    7- They’re outlined on page 37. Some of them are loosely defined, but others have very clear effects, e.g. Vault lets your crew store twice as much money

    8- Nope, once it’s stashed, it’s stashed.

    9- Mostly they’re a narrative permission.

    10- Items are assets, but you can keep them.

  4. Thanks to everyone. There are a lot of changes in the third quickstarter. Why are only some pages? Is it intended to reaplace the same pages in version 2? 

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