Hello guys

Hello guys

Hello guys, 

At my group’s request, I’ve been working a bit on a L5R hack based on the fantastic rules of BitD for action resolution (AW, but better :p ).

I know it’s not the what it is made for, and will probably not work as well, but it will still work better than the original AEG cumbersome rules.

I’d ike to have your opinion about the character sheet (not so much on visual basis, since iit’s still a draft and I am by no means a gifted designer): what do I have forget, wich skills are lacking…

Void is the stress, honor might be the currency, karma is kinda like trauma. You mark it by slinding a paperclip on the sides of sheet.

If it goes the way I plan it, crew will be subsitutes by families (and crew type by clan).

If I’m doing something wrong legally speaking, let me know too 🙂


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