15 thoughts on “Hello Guys”

  1. The new Thief soundtrack.  Any of the Thief game soundtracks, actually, although the old ones are more ambient than musical.  I’ve started cobbling together playlists for Duskwall – this is a good reminder that I need to work on those some more.

  2. If you want something that sounds vaguely like it might be native to the world of Duskwall and isn’t an ambient/orchestral soundtrack, you might want to check out Corvus Corax. They are a sort of German folk rock outfit performing on hand-built instruments based on designs from the 17th century or earlier. They have some instrumental stuff and some stuff with lyrics. Lots of pipes and drums, and some strings.

  3. Wow never heard of Corvus Corax but I checked them out and they are great. Reminds me of the modern polish folk band Warsaw Village Band who would be great for BitD soundtrack too.

  4. When I’m getting myself into a Duskwall frame of mind, I’ve been listening to the Icelandic band, Solstafir. They’ve a vaguely mournful sound, interspersed with bouts of sporadic power. Suits my Duskwall nicely.

  5. Lunatic Souls is Great! and Solstafir sound very great too. Here in my country is cloudy and cold, so is a perfect fit. If you have some othe suggestion I will happly recieve them 😀 Thanks! 

  6. Just reread your original post. The typo “Baldes in the Dark” is hilarious… For a “Balds in the Dark” game I recommend Sinead O’Connor or Midnight Oil

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