13 thoughts on “What do people eat in your Duskwalls?”

  1. Nobles can probably grow plants under painfully bright electric lighting, which hiss through leviathan oil at an astounding rate. 

    Goats are probably doing just fine, and can produce all kinds of animal products people like.

    Perhaps some trendy, forward-thinking industrialist manufactures some kind of Soylent / Soylent Green food replacement. Some of it is probably even nutritious, though the gas it initially causes is awful. 

  2. Rich people probably have access to produce, at least somewhat. Otherwise, yeah, plants that don’t rely heavily on air quality? You can get a lot of nutrients from organ meat, especially raw or lightly cooked, so maybe Duskwall has a meat-heavy diet?

  3. That’s good stuff, thanks Andrew. Now I’m getting visions of mushroom farms that buy bodies, street fights over stolen kelp and debauched nobles going insane with visions of a glowing, tentacled god in deeps…

  4. Malcolm Wilson Excellent! After all, we don’t think about these details because it is important to come to correct answers. We think about them because they are fuel for background color and for motivating stories.

  5. Hah, I like how my answer is a less-thought-out answer from the other thread. Radiant, electroplasm-infused creatures! 

    Though I was original on the goats. I imagine urban shepherds and their migratory patterns, fighting each other and various property-holders to graze their little bleaters on the best roots and weeds and fungi. Streets could get locked down to carriage traffic thanks to a few well-timed herds.

  6. Wasn’t there talk about Duskwall cook book (usable in our world as well)?  We had a fun thread on this awhile back anyways.  Let me see if I can dig it up and send you a link Peter Ghazarian  🙂

  7. Personally, as I see it, there is a day/night cycle with the night dominating the day (14 hours of night, 2 hours at either end of low twilight, then barely 6 hours of day that is dark and overcast – think of the light level of the darkest stormy day and drop it by half). The overcast clouds clear out some nights, and some nights instead of clearing out it rains. The clouds always reappear by twilight, without exception (unless, maybe, there is a solar eclipse? Spooky?) There are orchards and gardens within the city, behind gated walls and under constant guard, and plantations outside the city – some have lightning barriers, most don’t, those that do don’t cover the fields and working a plantation is a constant risk of getting possessed, attacked, killed, or worse (maybe something similar to railjacks for the plantations?); moreover plantation owners tend to charge high room and board costs, almost equal to what the plantation workers earn, making it as close to slavery as you can get. 

    Plants grow because the wonderful scientists/alchemists have made a wonderful breed that works under low-light conditions, provided it gets occasional fertilization from a chemical brewed from secret sinister ingredients (plasms, bloods, who knows what else). This also allows the plants to grow much faster to maturity and there are several harvests a year – one of the three moons transitions phase extremely slowly, with three full moons a year literally being a harvest moon.

    Or that’s my take on it until somebody corrects me or more setting stuff is released!

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