So when people are making characters, and you’ve got players who are fresh to the world, how do you tell them about…

So when people are making characters, and you’ve got players who are fresh to the world, how do you tell them about…

So when people are making characters, and you’ve got players who are fresh to the world, how do you tell them about heritages? (This is open to anyone who has run character generation.) How much time do you spend on it, and do you point them to any resources to help their decision? (I don’t know of anything to point to besides the last page of the quickstart, which I used.)

I told my players heritage was just for flavor, and they were probably several generations from the point of immigration anyway. And if they didn’t want to figure it out, they could be thoroughly native and put “Akorosian.”

I get that some people like longer story-driven character generation, and others (more like me) like quick character generation so we can get to know the character in play and in context. I think both styles are valid and have their advantages and disadvantages. 

I do think this game is better suited to speed in character generation, or we wouldn’t have the equipment shopping already done and a list of friends already picked out on the sheet. Still, there’s plenty of room for different styles on that.

This is an attempt to stop hijacking a play report thread. Sorry about that, Jeff Johnston!

One thought on “So when people are making characters, and you’ve got players who are fresh to the world, how do you tell them about…”

  1. If the players are interested in their heritage, then we can (like any other flag on their sheet) unpack it with provacative questions.

    Otherwise it is a ‘tick and flick’ as you say.

    Though if they choose ‘Skolavander’  and leave it at that, but in play run afoul of some whalers who share their heritage, then we may dig a little to get at the story grist lurking there.

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