How are dates and time being handled? Are there special names for the days of the week? Is it 7 days in a week? Are the months 1-12 with January, February, etc? Is midnight the final bell? The 12th bell?
How are dates and time being handled?
How are dates and time being handled?
As the game is wide open, why do you (the group) don’t decide it for yourself?
If your players are not Forgotten Realms fans you can always steal that calendar, and not admit it. =) Or find some other pre-made calendar. The one for Warhammer is particularly nice, but a bit too German for this game, I think.
Or the very basic calendar from the video game Dishonored.
Nice idea. As every second time someone tells anything about this game, I should try it on occasion.
Or keep away from it to get a very unique sight of the Blades-World 😉
Dominic Niederhoff I could see either approach being sensible (playing the game or not.) Two advantages from investigating the source material are an increase in inspirational settings, characters, and plots and also a shorthand shared experience to refer to with other players.
If you’ve got enough inspiration for settings, characters, and plots, and you have players who won’t keep linking back to something you are not drawing from, then there’s no draw to make the game research. =)
I would love a unique, Blades-themed system to label dates and time. I’m just not creative enough to think of something that sexy D: Thanks for the tips, Andrew. I was hoping to use it for a little write-up for a session yesterday that I’m putting into a “journal” format. So I wanted dates as you’d put in a journal.
Funky blades-themed time:
Due to crematorium smokes, foul weather etc. the day is composed of 3 six hours periods. There is only dawn, dusk and night. It seems well suited to a thiefs game 🙂
For month I would use the names of spirits and link it to the one spawning most frequently on the “ghost lines” at this time of year.
For the days, I would use shades of blacks and greys.
I’m rather partial to the unsystematic method of this drop dice magical calendar:
I could imagine using this as is, or tweaking it slightly for the settings demon, hierarchies, spiritual arcanum, and dead land ecologies.
It makes a difference, to me, whether John Harper plans to include one in the finished book. If not, I’m happy to make one up. If so, that’s something I’d rather not retcon.
I do plan to have a calendar and system for the hours.