A question about Heat :

A question about Heat :

A question about Heat :

How do you play the reduction heat roll into the narration ? When a character reduce heat, what are his narrative action in the game ? What the character does exactly to reduce this heat ? Bribe Autority ? Other type of action ? but witch one ?

5 thoughts on “A question about Heat :”

  1. I would say it depends on the Reputation. 

    My crew being Professionals, they arrange that evidence left behind disappear, they argue the point to the Bluecoats that they are the lesser of evils, neutralising dangerous criminal elements where they could not because of long procedures while staying away of official business etc.  

  2. Whatever seems fictionally appropriate given your gang’s circumstances.

    Common means that spring to mind are as you say:

     ‘getting in with the law’, 

    Or perhaps the simple act of ‘laying low’.

    Shining the spotlight on a rival gang is always nifty – maybe a project clock for ‘framing’ a rival organisation?

  3. Cool i was looking for exemple. Because “guetting in with the law” could become repetitive after some game. Framing rival organisation is good exemple too. Any other idea ? Some exemple could be interesting in the final draft.

    Maybe some “community service” like give to the poor, paying some drink a the tarvern, going to the church, try to look good in front of the community.

  4. To back up what Nathan said with a play report.

    One of the crew was a lurk who had taken the Inspector NPC as their close contact. We decided that was the way we lowered the heat after the entanglement roll was the Bluecoats take more notice result. The lurk talked to his friend, who managed to get some of the cops off his back (reduced heat), but couldn’t do anything to get the Red Sashes off the trail (couldn’t get rid of all the heat)

  5. It helps to tie it together with the sources of Heat.

    Break in and destroy evidence (Mayhem), bribe the Bluecoats to go investigate something else (Supply), convince the Inspectors that their lead points to someone else (Sway), kill the star witness (Murder) or intimidate him into shutting up (Command), mend bridges with people who might rat you out (Consort). Whatever fits!

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