Let’s make monsters!

Let’s make monsters!

Let’s make monsters!

Well, more animals. What kind of flora and fauna might have survived the Shattering?

-Wraith flowers: glowing, tulip-like flowers often used by the wealthy (they only grow in the wastes) as a indulgent lamp of sorts. Must be planted in the corrupted soil found outside the cities.

-Tumbleshrooms: large-capped fungi whos tops fall off and roll away. Often found in the sewers of Duskwall, their caps floating in filth. Can be used to make a power hallucinogen or, if mixed with wraith-flower oil, a remarkably deadly poison known as “Tymarra’s Kiss”.

-Cacklesnake: a desert-dwelling viper whos venom creates a paranoid, hysterical madness in the victim. If envenomed enough the victim will suffer permanent brain damage and be reduced to a mad wretch. Used as a poison and to make the drug known as “Chitter”. Chitter addicts are known by their manic stare and near-constant giggling from the hazy euphoria of the drug.

Well, work calls! 🙂

5 thoughts on “Let’s make monsters!”

  1. I choose to believe that in the bizarre world of the Shattered Isles plants persist despite the twilight and the animals have largely adapted. There are the same critters, real and fantasy, around. Agriculture works. It’s all just gloomier.

  2. “Stick Nanny” is a demon born from the pollution of Duskwall. Tall and lanky, almost loping as she moves. Pale, slick flesh with black, varicose-like veins filled with polluted blood. A mane of black hair pulled into an unkempt bun. A tattered nanny’s dress. Talon-like fingers ending in stained, ebony claws. A rictus grin of blackened teeth exposed by blood-dark lips in an almost perpetual grin. Large, white eyes that widen when she sees her favorite meal: the children of Duskwall.

    “The Lockmyr Twins” are two dolls that were fashioned after the beloved daughters of Lord Lockmyr of Whitehollow. Lost to a wasting disease that not even the highest born could escape, Alice and Penny Lockmyr died at the tender age of 8. Stricken mad with grief, their father commisioned two dolls be made in their likenesses. Although slightly smaller than they were in life, the dolls, to a casual glance, seemed real. Lord Lockmyr was pleased but needed more. He needed them back!

    He sought solace in the darkest places, eventually learning of an Iruvian witch who could give them life once more. It was successful and the unquiet spirits of his daughters took hold of their new bodies. Too bent to see the differences, Lord Lockmyr never noticed the evil in his returned “children”. They found him, bled dry with his eyes missing; a strange, satisfied smile on his bloody face. The dolls were nowhere in the house.

    There are no legends to speak of, at least not in sane or polite company. There are just the victims. Never the children who are elated at the gift of two beautiful dolls in old-style Akorosian dresses, but still many.

    (Apologies! That came out more “prosey” than intended. lol)

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