Hey, +John Harper – I took the liberty of emailing OneBookShelf with the idea I mentioned on RPG.net, referring to…

Hey, +John Harper – I took the liberty of emailing OneBookShelf with the idea I mentioned on RPG.net, referring to…

Hey, +John Harper – I took the liberty of emailing OneBookShelf with the idea I mentioned on RPG.net, referring to the Compendium of the stretch goals:

“Is it possible for a number of individual writers to give their permission to print their individual works in a single softcover book, and receive their shares of the proceeds from an account of a POD publisher such as DriveThru?”

And was told that such a thing is not only possible, but is easily done by splitting royalties using the publishing interface. While it’s been years since I’ve had a publisher account – my Eos Press days long gone, after all – I still thought it worth asking.

Anyhoo, ignore or use with my blessings – just trying to help.  🙂

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