I had 3 semi-connected questions about PCs’ hold, NPC faction downtime actions (pacing and targeting the PCs’ crew), and why development rolls combine profit and hold together, but I’ll divide them into separate threads for more clarity of discussion.
PC Crew Losing Hold
Other than occasionally on entanglements, and optionally to gain additional downtime phases, how else does the PC crew lose hold? Could losing hold result from a nasty Devil’s Bargain (the QS suggests stress or heat, but not hold)? Could the PC crew lose hold as a result of NPC faction downtime actions?
i could also imagine losing hold being the Danger in a scene
Whatever fits the fiction. How easily and how often you take Hold (and Coin) from the PC crew sets a lot of the tone of the game. Is this a dangerous world where a single misstep can destroy an empire or, despite the occasional setback, are the PCs going to generally move up the ladder?
Just be consistent and it’ll work, I think.
You can offer a loss of hold as a DB, yes.
NPC downtime actions can reduce PC hold (see page 20).