How are you all visualising Leviathans?

How are you all visualising Leviathans?

How are you all visualising Leviathans? Massive whale creatures, giant toothy sea worms, tentacled quid monsters, or a combination thereof? Just wondered whether I’d missed a description in the text, or whether it has been purposefully left open for interpretation.

9 thoughts on “How are you all visualising Leviathans?”

  1. I know the whales of Dishonoured are the inspiration, but my first brush with them was from the Wild Blue (Lady Blackbird, Magister Lor) where they were Sky Squid first (in Lady BB) and then outright called Leviathans (in ML). Hence for my playgroups we’ve always had them be like Kraken – squid-like.

  2. Demon whales with kraken like tentacles and razor sharp shark like teeth with abomination growing in their side,… maybe ghost entangles featuring human child like faces moaning,…

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