Can crew types change?

Can crew types change?

Can crew types change? I know players can pick up abilities from other crew types, but if we start as Thieves, will our crew always be Thieves (in terms of advancement triggers and upgrade asset options)? What if once we get established we naturally turn more to smuggling or assassination than thieving? Could we swap sheets, or perhaps spend an advancement to swap one of the top two advancement triggers? Is that even something worth considering?

6 thoughts on “Can crew types change?”

  1. I don’t see why not.

    If you wanted to make changing Crew Playbooks a big deal, you could set multi-stage projects. Thieves -> Hawkers would involve a clock for ‘Find a steady source’ one for ‘Set up Distribution Network’ and so on.

  2. I think crew tier upgrades are a natural point to reevaluate whether you fit the current crew sheet. You’re expanding, you’re hitting a brand new spot in the power hierarchy, of course some things are going to change.

    The project is cool too, although I’d want to make sure that it wasn’t a punishment or tax for switching, but gave you some cool reward at the end.

  3. If its a complete change to get different advancement conditions it might be fit to ask to reassign the specialities. Maybe minus one or one of the old ones remaining if the crew’s advanced as the new action is something quite new..

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